Originally published 10/15/21 at https://www.globest.com/2021/10/15/multifamily-influencers-2/
“The multifamily sector could not be having an easier and more fruitful 2021. Rents are climbing, investment sales are proliferating and occupancies are strong. Navigating such an environment, one might think, is an easy prospect and to be sure it is always better to be doing business in flush times. However, it still takes skill and sector knowledge to drive a deal home—some of the qualities we look for as we choose our annual influencers in this space. Other qualities we seek out are around achievements and the impact an individual, team or company has had on the industry. We trust you will agree that the following pages will reflect those attributes”
See the full list at Globest: https://www.globest.com/2021/10/15/multifamily-influencers-2/